Art Director
& AI-Artist

Als erfahrener Art Director und experimentierfreudiger AI-Artist biete ich kreative Unterstützung für Agenturen und Unternehmen. Mein Schwerpunkt sind technische Inhalte, sowohl B2B als auch B2C, und Automotive, wobei mein Herz vor allem für Sportwagen schlägt.

The most effective way to do it is to do it.

Neugier und die Freude am Gestalten motivieren mich, immer neue kreative Tools und Methoden zu erforschen. Die Möglichkeiten generativer KI begeistern mich. Zufrieden bin ich aber erst, wenn die Ergebnisse auch andere begeistern. Damit meine ich nicht die KI-typischen Staunebilder, die wir so oft bei LinkedIn gesehen haben. Sondern lebensechte Bildwelten, die bei echten Menschen echte Emotionen wecken.

Alle Bilder auf dieser Seite wurden mit Midjourney-AI generiert. Weitere Arbeitsproben aus Kundenprojekten gibt es unter Referenzen.

Automotive & Technik

Starke Kompetenz in der grafischen Gestaltung komplexer technischer Themen

AI generated, a porsche car in a driveway, a man in the foregound
AI generated Image, astronomical observatory on top of a moutain at night.
Midjourney generated image, a formula 1 driver is smiling an gesturing victory, wearing a helmet
GenAI Image, two scientists discussing in front of a large monitor showing technical details
Midjourney generated image of a large turbin in a wind channel
AI Image, close up on wheel of a truck on a parking lot
AI generated image, asian scientist is working in a laboratory
AI generated, scene from a formular 1 race, cars are driving on race-track

sports car advertising

Automotive & Technik

editorial design for aerospace and research

Automotive & Technik

marketing for the automotive industry

Automotive & Technik

communication for the electro industry

Automotive & Technik

editorial design for research & development

Automotive & Technik

communication for commercial vehicles

Automotive & Technik

editorial design for research & development

Automotive & Technik

marketing for the automotive industry

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Konzept und visuelles Design für Events und Messen

Midjourney generated Image, a visitor views an immersive artwork in an exhibition
AI generated Image of a model looking over her shoulder, colourful light
Midjourney generated Image, a manager reveals a car covered by a cloth, customers are watching
Ai generated Image, A staff member meets a customer meets a customer at a trade fair
Ai generated Image, a sketch of a trade fair booth
Midjourney-AI Image, sportscars on a road in the alpes
Midjourney generated Image, a customer event at a car retailer
AI generated Image, an elegant white sportscar is exhibited in a modern gallery

materials for customer events


design of exhibition stands


materials for automobile launches


info material for trade fairs and events


concept and planning of exhibition stands


promotional material for road trips


promo materials for customer events


concept and design of exhibition stands

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Individuelles Mock-up Design, passend zu CI und Marke

Midjourney-AI Image, a modern art picture in a black frame on a wall of a gallery
Midjourney-AI Image, a mock-up of a book about phantastic birds on a wooden table

mock-up for pictures and posters


mock-up for book covers

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AI-Models und Avatare

Markante AI-Portraits abseits von Bias und Kli­schee

AI generated Image, portrait of a woman in in a bright purple spotloght against blue background

extravagant haute couture sunglasses


classic black and white studio-portrait

AI Portrait

portrait with striking light effect


portrait for fashion lookbook

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Freie Arbeiten

AI generated image, a tidy pile of modern magazines on a shelf
Midjourney AI-design, advertorial for utility vehicles, designed by AI-Designer
Midjourney AI-design, layouts of printed brochures for the automotive industrie
Midjourney AI image, a woman is reading a trade journal in a cafe
Midjourney-AI Image, an open magazine about sportscars, out of focus
GenAI, A young man is standin next to a classic car
AI Cars

Fantastic 70ies sportscar by Midjourney

AI Cars

Hennessey Venom F5 sportscar by Midjourney

AI Cars

Porsche 911 by Midjourney

AI Cars

Shelby 427 S/C Cobra by Midjourney

AI Cars

Classic Porsche 959 by Midjourney

AI Cars

Classic car retro-style by Midjourney

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Art Director

Weitere Infos und Aktuelles auf LinkedIn

Editorial Design & Print

Gestaltung von Magazinen, Zeitschriften und Broschüren

AI generated image, a tidy pile of modern magazines on a shelf
Midjourney AI-design, advertorial for utility vehicles, designed by AI-Designer
Midjourney AI-design, layouts of printed brochures for the automotive industrie
Midjourney AI image, a woman is reading a trade journal in a cafe
Midjourney-AI Image, an open magazine about sportscars, out of focus
Editorial design

editorial design for customer magazines


advertising for commercial vehicles

Editorial Design

catalogs for the automotive industry

Editorial Design

editorial design for trade journals

Editorial Design & Print

concept and layout for magazines

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AI-generiertes Modedesign ohne Begrenzung durch Zeit, Raum und Material

Text to Image, strong black and white Image of an elegant woman wearing intense make-up
AI generated Image, outdoorshooting in Iceland, a woman in elegant red robe ist standing high on a mountainside, backview, the sea is in the distance
AI generated Image, elegant modell wearing black suit in a studio situation, against white backdrop
GenAI Image, abstract Photo of a woman wearing a head in Neon colours against plain background
AI generated Image, Surreal AI-photoshooting on the moon, woman wearing a minimalistic white robe
Midjourney Image, surreal make-up, pastel coloured strong violet make-up on young womans face
Text to Image, abstract AI-Fashion-Photo of a walking man in elegant suit, radiant colours, light leak effect

classic black and white portrait

AI Fashion

dramatic outdoor shoot

AI Fashion

Classic studio photo

AI Fashion

abstract hat fashion

AI Fashion

surreal AI photo-locations

AI Fashion

fantastic surreal make-up

AI Fashion

radiant colour effects

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Von Illustration bis Fotorealismus: Freie Arbeiten im Austausch mit der Maschine

GenAI-image, surreal photorealistic image of a birds head in radient colours neon blue, orange and violett
Midjourney image, surreal image of a girl in neon-pastell colours, here face is blurred, dreamy atmosphere
Midjourney image, abstract photorealistic AI-Image of a surreal gemstone in black and silver colours
GenAI-image, abstract photorealistic AI-Image of classical columns, with a colourful gradient overlay
AI generated Image, a funny robot dressed in Burberry cloth against gray background
GenAI-image, surreal illustration og the head of a woman covered wit the blossoms of flowers
Ai-generated image, surreal image of a humanoid, woman enhanced with mechanical parts, against gray background
Midjourney image, surreal illustration in the style of japanese traditional paintings, a geisha surrounded by small furry animals, vivid neon colours
AI generated image, illustration in the style of pencil-drawing, a girl in a neon yellow sweater is sitting on a stair

series: fantastic birds


series: colour-blind


series: gemstones from distant planets


abstract photorealism: surreal spaces


series: collectors’ luxury robots


surreal series: flourishing fantasy


series: future humans


ukiyo-e inspired illustration


post-punk neon illustration

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AI-Design & -Classes

Als AI-Designer prompte ich passgenau und zuverlässig Motive für den werblichen Gebrauch – realistisch oder fantastisch. Ich entwickle maßgeschneiderte AI-Tutorials und Classes für Gestalter, Marketing-Pros und Neugierige aus der Kreativbranche.

  • Grundlagen und professioneller Einsatz von Midjourney
  • Implementierung von GenAI in grafische Arbeitsabläufe
  • Kreativer Einsatz von GenAI in Werbung und Produktdesign

Weitere AI-generierte Arbeiten auf Instagram